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Be different. Be specialist.

Two ways of partnership to reach your goals: becoming a distributor in your area and the Quality Partners program.

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national and international delivery service

The whole market range in stock

Filter for automotive, transport, heavy duty, agriculture, maritime, rail and small engines

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Expertise on industrial filtration

Mastering on industrial filtration

Hydraulic, compressed air, HVAC, dust collection and filtration for processes

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A filter for every necessity

Our leading brands

Industrial Applications

Industrial applications

Mobile Applications

Mobile applications


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At your service

Asesoría y Consultas

For over 45 years Cartés has been providing you with a team of experts in filtration through our call centre and our network of specialist technicians.

We will give you advice about buying the best filtration solution for your needs, offering you custom manufacturing , specialist training, online tools and resources, comprehensive logistics etc.

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