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Aldair Industrial Filtration


Aldair Industrial Filtration

Aldair Industrial Filtration: Solutions for industrial filtration

Aldair Industrial Filtration offer a full range of specialized filters, with more than 6.000 thousand reference available for air filtation, from prefiltration to filter media for different needs, even absolute filtation, dust collection, filters for compressors and in-line compressed filter.

Aldair quality system

At Aldair Industrial Filtration provide an efficient way to protect your equipment and work environment from the highest demanding or maximum air asepsis requirements.

We complish with Eurovent european regulation which certificates the correct performance of our filters for air treatment, air conditioning and cooling systems. This in fact an international guarantee of quality but above all for our customer.

Besides, we follow quality standards for original equipment leading by our rigorous homologation notebooks.

Aldair system

Our system and stock offer us to provide a quality service and reliability of our customer, competitive terms matching to their needs. Similarly, as a result of the consulting service from our professional staff and working closely with our customer establishing planned protocols of supplies what guarantee the efficiency of equipment operation and minimize downtime.

Technical service. The best partner for your industry

As an specialized of industrial filtration, Aldair Industrial Filtration offers to you complete and integral consultancy that not only providing the best solutions for your filtration needs, but also participates to resource optimization, reduces maintenance cost and high quality maintained at all times.

Aldair Industrial Filtration

Full range of air treatment

- Filters for compresors: air Filter, oil Filter and oil-air separators.
- Filters for compressed air line: housing, prefilter, coalescence Filter and fine coalescence filters, activated carboon filters, drain and indicators.
- Condensate separators, coolant dryers: Complex housings and parts.
- Air conditioning: Prefiltration, bag filters, minipleat Filter, compact Filter and absolute filters.
- Filters media and filters for Paint booths: Filter mat, poliurethane foam, Paint stop, Procart, Columbus, Humicool, filters for painting-gun.
- Dust collection: DIN, 3 and 4 anchors, panel, pleated bag, cylindrical, conical. Antiestathic versions and different materials depends on requirements, cellulose, polipropileno, poliestaer or Teflon among others.
