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Especialista global en filtración para lineas de aire comprimido

Filters for compressed air processes

Specialist filtration in compressors, compressed air lines and vacuum pumps.

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Soluciones para compresores fijos y móviles

An optimal service for your compressor

Filtration solutions for the leading mobile and stationary compressors.

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Guarantees maximum power for your compressed air systems

Compressed air is an essential source of energy for many production processes, which require it to be of an increasingly higher quality. But contamination in the form of water, solid particles, lubricating oil, smells, tastes and even bacteria, the combination of which forms an unwanted abrasive sediment, quickly wears down the pneumatic machinery, blocks valves and increases maintenance costs.

Proper filtration of the air when it is compressed in the compressor, subsequently in the compressed air line and finally of the waste or condensates that are generated, is crucial for the environment (ISO 14000) and for cutting costs.

Some of the main industries where compressed air filtration is part of the production process are compressors, the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, food, beverages and water consumption, machine tools, car manufacturing etc.

At Cartés we provide the necessary advice to implement or maintain an optimal compressed air system and we supply the filters for compressors and vacuum pumps, the necessary housings, elements, condensate separators, adsorption dryers and refrigeration dryers.

In addition to this complete range, we have a wide selection of drain valves, indicators and alumina , among other things.

Aire comprimido

After the compressed air generating phase in the compressor, the air enters the line where it will be affected by multiple particles and / or contaminants that can alter the conditions and properties of the same. To guarantee the maximum quality of the compressed air it is necessary to subject it to different levels of filtration along the line.
Depending on the complexity of the system, we will find several phases or filtration solutions: prefiltration, for the simplest cases, fine filtration (with different degrees of filtration) and a final phase of residue elimination.
All this process is covered with the complete range of housings, filter cartridges acting prefilters, coalescing filters, fine coalescing and activated carbon, indicators, manometers, purges and, finally, condensate separators for waste disposal.

In short, a complete range of solutions that guarantee:

Compressed air prefiltration eliminates the larger particles present in the system that can provoke odors, flavors and even loss in the properties of the air that alter the application or even can wear down the pneumatic machinery.

Elimination of excesive water, so detrimental to the correct maintenance of the system components of the compressed air line, through refrigerated dryers.

Elimination of oil from the compressed air line preventing contaminants from altering the conditions and / or operation of the system.

Pressure regulation of the circuit keeps the optimal conditions of operation.

Filtration in the on-line processing of compressed air has repercussions on clear benefits for the protection of equipment and processes against pollutants, optimization of processes and a reduction of costs related to a decrease in maintenance costs.

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Main applications of compressed air in industry

Processes where compressed air is used as a resource are very diverse from the automotive to the pharmaceutical industry. In each of them the required quality varies: from untreated air to the use of absolutely dry, oil-free and sterile compressed air for industries such as food transformation and processing industry.

Some of the main industries in which compressed air filtration is part of the production process are compressors, chemical industry, pharmaceuticals, food, beverages and water industry, machine tools, automobile manufacturing, etc.


Air treatment

Aldair Industrial Filtration: focusing on air.

We keep on innovating with Aldair Industrial Filtration, in order to offer interesting options in ari filtration, from prefiltration to absolute filters, dust collection, or compressors and compressed air systems.

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