Certain ventilation systems require high-quality and highly sterile air and that requirement determines which is the right filter to fit, from the G2 to the U17. Proper climate control is essential to prevent external agents from contaminating these work environments and processes and preventive checks are vital to prevent pressure drops in the installed filters from having a direct impact on operating costs.
The standards applicable to this area of filtration are EN 779:2012, which determines the minimum level of efficiency that the filters must have, and standard EN 1822 for HEPA and ULPA filters, with both covering the full spectrum from basic pre-filtration to absolute filtration for highly sterile environments.
Some of the main industries where HVAC filters are present are operating theatres and intensive care units in hospitals, clean rooms, industrial processes in the electronics and microelectronics industries, cosmetics and food, the handling of hazardous substances and the nuclear industry and its research facilities, laminar flow areas for pharmaceutical processes, paint booths, air conditioning systems and smart buildings etc.
At Cartés we provide the necessary advice to ensure the correct definition and optimisation of the HVAC system required for your activity, and we supply all kinds of pre-filters, medium and fine filtration options, activated carbon filters and absolute filters (HEPA/ULPA), in a wide range of sizes and materials.