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Step Filters

Step Filters
Always searching the best solutions

From small specific filters to high performance filters

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Step Filters


New air dryers STEP FILTERS witn coalescing technology


Be different. Be specialist.

Two ways of partnership to reach your goals: becoming a distributor in your area and the Quality Partners program.

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Todos los filtros para tu coche o vehículo industrial.
Soluciones de filtración para maquinaria pesada y agrícola.
Soluciones de filtración para pequeña maquinaria y aplicaciones especiales.


Filtration solutions by leading brands for the main families of mobile machinery used in the following sectors:

Looking for Distributors

Looking for Distributors, become the one

Looking for Distributors

Becoming a distributor for STEP FILTERS and ALDAIR INDUSTRIAL FILTRATION not only means the advantage of the support and expertise from a well-known Spanish brand, also results in direct benefits for your business.

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