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Soluciones de filtración para necesidades especiales.

Specialisation: our added value

From filters for small engines for gardening to large motors for mobile applications.

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Soluciones de filtración para necesidades especiales.

Choice and stock: our guarantee

Variety and availability to offer you what you need. Over 30 specialist brands.

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Every filter you could possibly need for small engines and auxiliary machinery

Filtration for special applications is highly diverse as it includes a wide variety of small engines, such as those used in machinery and tractors for gardening (blowers, lawn mowers etc.), small compressors, buggies that transport people in large facilities such as golf courses and street cleaning machinery (sweepers, salt spreaders etc.)

At Cartés we sell Step Filters, and its specific small engines filters, air, oil fuel for original equipment manufacturer such as Acme, Bernard, Briggs & Stratton, Club Car, Exmark, Ezgo, Hatz, Honda, John Deere, Kawasaki, Kohler, Kubota, Lister Petter, Lombardini, Mitsubishi, Partner, Robin, Ruggerini, Stihl, Tecumseh o Toro, for among

We have filters for all those brands for machinery manufacturer such as Cummins, Wärtsilä, Guascor, ABC, Rolls-Royce, MTU, Caterpillar, MacGregor, MAN, Reintjes, BMW, Volvo Penta, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, etc.

Gama completa para aplicaciones especiales y maquinaria auxiliar

Filters for liguefied gas

LPG, autogas or liquid gas (mixture of butane and propane to undergo pressure changes from gas to liquid state) begins to prevail as an alternative to traditional fuels, since the cost is 40-45% lower than the gasoline.

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