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Solucions de filtración para tu industria química

Solutions of proven quality

An outstanding service with UNE-ISO 9001:2008 certification.

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Every filter you could possibly need for industrial maintenance and large chemical plants.

Filtration chemical industries

Chemical production plants require high-capacity equipment and systems, as well as suppliers who offer a comprehensive approach to asset protection and process optimisation. The machinery and equipment in operation are highly dependent on adequate monitoring of their fluids and maintaining their desired operating conditions.

The production systems of these components require an outstanding range of products, brands and services such as: PALL, MAHLE, HYDAC, MP FILTRI, RMF, STEP INDUSTRIAL FILTERS, ALDAIR INDUSTRIAL FILTRATION, INTERNORMEN, MANN FILTER, EPE, CUNO, ULTRAFILTER, DOMNICK HUNTER, HAYWARD, RACOR, VOKES, etc.

So we invite you to ask us any questions or discuss any problems you might have regarding filtration. We will assist you by jointly developing a programme that best suits your needs, planning your supplies, to maintain safety stock, with the added guarantee of the stock in our warehouses which will enable you to reduce your costs for premises.

Our objective is to help you to achieve high performance in production and to reduce energy costs and minimise production loss costs while protecting the environment by reducing pollutant emissions.

Industrial Supply SolutionsOur objetive: To become your supplier of filtration solutions.

What Cartés does for your chemical industry?

  • -Filters for hydraulic systems and lubrication systems in leading brands like MP FILTRI, Hydac, Mahle Filtersystem.
  • -Desiccant filters for tank venting, such as the >strong>KL range manufactured by RMF
  • -Coalescing filters for ammonia plants.
  • -Flushing service such as the UMFC range of Step Industrial Filters and the OF range by Hydac
  • -Systems that take care of stationary and moving fluids for filtration, water drainage (purifiers), the removal of gas and preparation of service fluids, achieving a reduction in the initial damage caused during filling, greater protection of the components through offline mobile filtration, such as the OLU range manufactured by RMF and stationary filtration, longer service life of the components due to the continuous drainage of water, and longer intervals between oil changes thanks to reduced oil ageing.
  • -Analysis, correction and improvement, monitoring and control of the quality of hydraulic oils and lubricating oils through the Comprehensive Maintenance Programme which gives you real-time information about the level of dirt, water content, condition of the oil and the dielectric constant.

  • -Self-cleaning filters and basket filters, critical for the operation and maintenance of cooling and production systems, manufactured by Mahle Industry
  • -Filters for compressors and compressed air lines, manufactured by Aldair.
  • -Membrane filters and phase separators (centrifugal).
  • -Oil purifiers brand RMF and water sensors Hydac brand.
  • -Special filters, for specific needs , through our special manufacturing service , which allows us to develop the specific filter element it is needed.

Our engineers, industrial filtration , perform an audit of your systems and determine the necessary protocols to ensure the improvement and efficiency thereof, through proper monitoring and filter selection.

Great filters solutions for your activity sector

Hydraulic and Lube Oil Comprehensive Maintenance Programme

Success stories

Hydraulic and Lube Oil Comprehensive Maintenance Programme

Minimize breakdown in critical machines, costs, and optimize systems efficiency and productivity, thanks to a proper functioning of the hydraulic systems.

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