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Solucions de filtración para tu suministro industrial

Filtration and customised stock

From air filters for engines to oil filters for lubrication.

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Every filter you could possibly need to guarantee optimal energy production and supply.

Filtración para cogeneración

Cogeneration is an alternative system with high energy efficiency that allows some companies to significantly reduce their energy bills without altering their production process. Because of the need for minimal downtime and the value of the components being protected, using the most reliable filters is essential.

The most widely-used engines in this industry, such as JENBACHER, ROLLS-ROYCE, WARTSILA, GUASCOR and MTU require a wide range of filtration brands, such as MANN-FILTER, INTERNORMEN, VILEDON, STEP FILTERS and ALDAIR INDUSTRIAL FILTRATION, which are able to meet any requirement, always ensuring quality. Also of particular importance are the filters for air filtration/cooling systems for cogeneration engine rooms.

You can only be sure of receiving an outstanding service from a company that provides support and a comprehensive solution to any problem.

At Cartés we offer a variety of options for the filtration of engine intake air and lubricating oil, making it possible to increase the overall energy efficiency of the process and the service life of the components. Furthermore, with proper fuel filtration, possible failures will be avoided, thus reducing maintenance costs to a minimum and increasing productivity.

Our objective is to help to achieve high performance in energy production, avoiding losses due to production downtime and supplying high-quality elements that protect the turbine components and other components.

Soluciones para el suministro industrialOur objective: To become your supplier of filtration

What Cartés does for your cogeneratorion plant?

  • -Large variety of intakes engine, fuel and oil filters.
  • -Centrifugal and self-cleaning filters and filter candles (such as Boll & Kirch).
  • -Gas filtration.
  • -Demisters.
  • -Filters for the removal of crankcase oil mist.
  • -Filter mats, pre-filters and bag filters for air intakes in cogeneration engine rooms.
  • -Technical consulting for all filtration need.
  • -Our stock of 900,000 filters and more than 60,000 available references, one of the biggest in Europe, guarantees the supply and allows customers to have their "safety stock".
  • -Our logistics service guarantees delivery in less than 24 hours for 98% of all orders.
  • -Special custom filters, for specific needs, through our special production service which makes it possible to develop the specific filter element that is required.

Our engineers perform an in-depth study of our customers' activities, processes and requirements and gives them advice on how to optimise them, reduce energy and maintenance costs, avoid unnecessary downtime and minimise faults.

Great filters solutions for your activity sector

Hydraulic and Lube Oil Comprehensive Maintenance Programme

Casos de éxito

Hydraulic and Lube Oil Comprehensive Maintenance Programme

Minimize breakdown in critical machines, costs, and optimize systems efficiency and productivity, thanks to a proper functioning of the hydraulic systems.

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