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Solucions de filtración para tus compresores

Solutions that ensure the good condition of compressors

From oil filters for mobile and stationary compressors to spare adsorption dryers with alumina.

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Every filter you could possibly need to maintain your compressors, generator sets and stationary equipment

Compressors filtration

Compressor manufacturers need a wide variety of filtration components. Not just the usual air and oil filters or separators for the compressor, but also housings and filters for compressed air treatment, all kinds of drain valves, filter elements for the condensate separators, alumina etc.

At Cartés we have a large range of filters by the brands MANN-HUMMEL, ULTRAFILTER and ALDAIR INDUSTRIAL FILTRATION, which means that we can meet any need that may arise with the compressed air systems currently on the market, such as ATLAS COPCO, INGERSOLL RAND, WORTHINGTON, COMPAIR, GARDNER DENVER, KAESER, ABAC, PUSKA, JOSVAL etc. and equipment for new systems (dryers, condensate separators, complete compressed air filters, accessories etc.).

Our range of filters also includes filters for vacuum pumps and we have air, oil and exhaust filter elements made by the top brands such as BUSCH, BECKER, LEYBOLD, and RIETSCHLE. The separator filters that we supply ensure the efficient separation of the oil (below 3 mg/m3) and minimal pressure drops, thus reducing the compressor's oil consumption and lowering power consumption.

The air treatment filters also make it possible to remove particles down to 0.01 microns and leave the air's residual oil content at levels below 0.005 mg/m3, making it possible to meet the highest standards required in sectors as diverse as food, beverages, pharmaceuticals and hospitals.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the drain valves (manuals, ballcock, float, capacitive, electronic etc.) and condensate separators (complete systems and spares), allow you to reduce compressed air losses to a minimum and minimise contaminating waste.

Our objective is to ensure that you enjoy the efficiency achieved with proper filtration, which results in the correct operation of systems and machinery and, therefore, a reduction in maintenance costs and an increase in productivity and profitability, thanks to the advice from our team of engineers and our extensive stock.

Solutions for compressors industryOur objective: To become to your filtration supplier

What Cartés does for your compressors?

  • -Online catalogue so that you can locate filters by reference number, size or application (compressor model).
  • -Compressed air filters and oil separators (air and oil separators) for nitrogen generators and compressors.
  • -Filters in stock for vacuum pumps: air, oil, exhaust filters, complete suction filters etc.
  • -Logistics service which guarantees delivery in less than 24 hours in 98% of cases.

Our engineers perform an in-depth study of our customers' activities, processes and requirements and gives them advice on how to optimise them, reduce energy and maintenance costs, avoid unnecessary downtime and minimise faults.

Great filters solutions for your activity sector

Air treatment

Success stories

Aldair Industrial Filtration: focusing on air

We keep on innovating with Aldair Industrial Filtration, in order to offer interesting options in ari filtration, from prefiltration to absolute filters, dust collection, or compressors and compressed air systems.

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