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Filtros para industria farmacéutica

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Teams of engineers who specialise in offering you the best solution.

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Every filter you could possibly need to maintain your optimal manufacturing processes

Filtración para industria médico-farmacéutica

Pharmaceutical companies require a wide variety of filters during their production processes, with air filtration being especially important in areas where the active ingredients or drugs are produced (clean rooms), which may be susceptible to contamination by external agents.

At Cartés we offer products in brands such as ULTRAFILTER, VILEDON, MANN-FILTER, ALDAIR INDUSTRIAL FILTRATION, STEP INDUSTRIAL FILTERS, MAHLE o STEP PROCESS FILTRATION, for the needs that arise in the cleanroom filtration, ventilation, compressed air, technical gases, sterile filtration, dust collectors (FDA regulations) and liquid treatment.

For air filtration we have cardboard or metal frame pre-filters, bag filters, mini-pleat or compact filters, and EPA, HEPA and ULPA filters, which provide the highest levels of protection and comply with standard EN1822:2009 and are supplied with their respective certificates.

We also provide filters for compressed air, technical gases and fluids. We have sterile filters that are manufactured with inert materials, without resins or additives, and which comply with the FDA's most stringent regulations. Depending on the desired medium and the retention rate, we provide membrane filter elements with absolute retention or depth filters with a nominal retention rate.

Finally, we supply dust collector filters, with filter media, internal supports and gaskets that comply with FDA standards, and we provide solutions for leaks and the equipment's cleaning and maintenance problems.

Our objective is to be a global filtration supplier, with the help of our stock and the technical advice of our team of engineers.

Offer solutions tailored to your daily needs.Our objective: Offer solutions tailored to your daily needs.

What Cartés does for your pharmaceutical industry?

  • -Comprehensive solution for any filtration problem or requirement.
  • -900,000 filters in stock from the leading filtration brands, allowing you to cover most of your needs in the shortest time possible.
  • -Pre-filtration and fine filtration for air conditioning, manufactured by Aldair Industrial Filtration (PC, PM, PF and CF ranges).
  • -Filtration for clean rooms through EPA, HEPA y ULPA, ULPA filters, through Aldair Industrial Filtration's AF range.
  • -Filters for compressors and compressed air lines.
  • -Filtration for technical gases and fluids.
  • -Filters for tank venting.
  • -Filtration and improvement of dust collection systems, manufactured by Mahle and Aldair Industrial Filtration.
  • -Special custom filters for specific needs, through our special production service which makes it possible to develop the specific filter element that is required.

Our engineers perform an in-depth study of our customers' activities, processes and requirements and gives them advice on how to optimise them, reduce energy and maintenance costs, avoid unnecessary downtime and minimise faults.

Air treatment

Casos de éxito

Aldair Industrial Filtration: focusing on air

We keep on innovating with Aldair Industrial Filtration, in order to offer interesting options in ari filtration, from prefiltration to absolute filters, dust collection, or compressors and compressed air systems.

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