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Solucions de filtración para tu industria microelectrónica

Filtration for microelectronic industries

From ULPA and HEPA filters to deionised water pre-filters.

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Every filter you could possibly need for manufacturing and industrial processing.

Filtration for microelectronic industries

The components need to be manufactured in extremely clean and highly filtered environments (clean rooms). Therefore, it is very important to have reliable and extremely safe filtration systems.

Production systems to manufacture these components require a range of products, brands and highly demanding services, such as. PALL, AMAZON, CUNO, MILLIPORE, STEP PROCESS FILTRATION, ULTRAFILTER, DOMNICK HUNTER, ZANDER, CAMFIL, VOKES, etc.

A highly filtration quality can only be guaranteed by leading brands, stock thereof, customized service before and after serving filters and continuous consulting service on improving the efficiency of the systems. So we invite you to ask us any questions or discuss any problems you might have regarding filtration.

We will assist you by jointly developing a programme that best suits your needs, planning your supplies, to maintain safety stock, with the added guarantee of the stock in our warehouses which will enable you to reduce your costs for premises.

Our objective is to ensure quality in the component manufacturing process to prevent rejected parts and ensure maximum productivity in the plant and make sure that the finished product has the right characteristics.

Industrial Supply SolutionsOur objective is to become your supplier of filtration

What Cartés does for your microelectronical industry?

  • -Pure water obtained using membrane filters manufactured by Step Process Filtration.
  • -Process filters for filter chemicals of every kind.
  • -Filters for HVAC and absolute filters for clean rooms for component production and assembly processes (AF range manufactured by Aldair) and complete HEPATEX range by Vokes.
  • -Filtration of gases such as perfluorocarbon, hydrides and corrosive gases, manufactured by Viledon.
  • -Special custom filters, for specific needs, through our special production service which makes it possible to develop the specific filter element that is required.

Our engineers, industrial filtration , perform an audit of your systems and determine the necessary protocols to ensure the improvement and efficiency thereof, through proper monitoring and filter selection.

Great filters solutions for your activity sector

Air treatment

Success stories

Aldair Industrial Filtration: focusing on air

We keep on innovating with Aldair Industrial Filtration, in order to offer interesting options in ari filtration, from prefiltration to absolute filters, dust collection, or compressors and compressed air systems.

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