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Soluciones de filtración para tu industria nuclear

Filtration for nuclear industries

From hydraulic filters to special neutralisation filters.

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Every filter you could possibly need to guarantee optimal energy production and supply.

Filtración para industrias nucleares

With the highly sophisticated nuclear plants of today, a high level of technical competence is required to identify and recommend suitable filtration systems. Nuclear power plants need to minimise radiation exposure, be familiar with the strict regulatory requirements and reduce operating costs.

The equipment in the nuclear industry requires a range of filtration products and brands such as: MAHLE, HYDAC, PALL, PARKER, STEP INDUSTRIAL FILTERS, ALDAIR INDUSTRIAL FILTRATION, AAF, CAMFIL etc.

Managing a nuclear plant is a highly complex business. The filtration systems must be managed efficiently to make sure that the plant remains operational. Failures are not an option, so it is necessary to have the safest and most reliable equipment available.

At Cartés provide all kinds of filtration solutions for this singular environment through personalized service, ongoing advice by highly qualified proffesional staff and a guaranteed quality of filtration brands.

Our objective is to ensure the safety of the plant and protect the environment by optimising pollutant and waste management.

Soluciones para el suministro industrialOur objective: To become your supplier of filtration

What Cartés does for your nuclear plant and its maintenance?

  • -Water filtration, critical for the operation and maintenance of steam and condensate generation systems.
  • -Oil purifier for improved system operation. Combines ion, anion and cation exchange with particle dehydration to control the formation of acid, systems from brands such as RMF.
  • -Filters for hydraulic systems and lubrication systems. Our systems use highly efficient filtration, coalescence and dehydrators to keep the oil clean and dry.
  • -Absolute filters to reduce radiation exposure from the nuclear steam supply system, effectively eliminating sources of radiation exposure. They also reduce rates during refuelling outages, chiefly manufactured by Aldair Industrial Filtration and Vokes Air.
  • -Analysis, correction and improvement, monitoring and control of the quality of hydraulic oils and lubricating oils through the Comprehensive Maintenance Programme which gives you real-time information about the level of dirt, water content, condition of the oil and the dielectric constant.
  • -Special custom filters, for specific needs, through our special production service which makes it possible to develop the specific filter element that is required.

Our engineers perform an in-depth study of our customers' activities, processes and requirements and gives them advice on how to optimise them, reduce energy and maintenance costs, avoid unnecessary downtime and minimise faults.

Great filters solutions for your activity sector

  • Hydraulic

  • Analysis


  • Control and monitoring

    Control and monitoring

  • Correction and improvement

    Correction and improvement

Hydraulic and Lube Oil Comprehensive Maintenance Programme

Casos de éxito

Hydraulic and Lube Oil Comprehensive Maintenance Programme

Minimize breakdown in critical machines, costs, and optimize systems efficiency and productivity, thanks to a proper functioning of the hydraulic systems.

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