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Soluciones de filtracón para tiendas de repuestos y recambios

Brands, stock, specialised service

Full range of high turnover filters (oil, air, cabin, fuel) and specific filters (exhaust, steering, brake dryers etc.)

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All the filters you need for your parts store

Parts store

Whatever their speciality (automotive, industrial vehicles, heavy or agricultural machinery, gardening and small engines etc.), parts stores need a supplier that gives them an immediate response and supplies them with all of the products they need, by all of the brands requested by their customers.

Thanks to our range of top quality brands like STEP INDUSTRIAL FILTERS, MP FILTRI, HYDAC, ALDAIR INDUSTRIAL FILTRATION, ARGO, PALL, INTERNORMEN, RMF, MANN-FILTER, VILEDON etc. we are able to meet the filtration requirements of the companies in the sector.

So we invite you to ask us any questions or discuss any problems you might have regarding filtration. We will assist you by jointly developing a programme that best suits your needs, planning your supplies, to maintain safety stock, with the added guarantee of the stock in our warehouses which will enable you to reduce your costs for premises.

Our objective is to become your supplier of filtration equipment thanks to our stock of top brands, a personalised service before and after we supply the filters and continuous technical and commercial advice.

Soluciones para tu tienda de repuestos y recambios para maquinariaOur objective:To become your supplier of filtration equipment thanks to our stock of top brands and providing whatever you need.

What Cartés does for your Parts Store?

  • -We work with the leading filtration brands, installed in original equipment.
  • -As we work with over 100 brands and high stock levels, we provide a better service than each individual manufacturer and with the highest quality (UNE-EN ISO 9001:2008 certification)).
  • -We have a full range of filters for automobiles, industrial vehicles, agricultural machinery and heavy machinery.
  • -We offer a full range of products by the leading brands MANN-FILTER and WIX AUTOMOCIÓN and other top industry brands, many of which are original equipment manufacturers.
  • -Our powerful website, available to our customers, provides over 7 MILLION cross references and 200,000 applications.
  • -Our logistics service guarantees delivery in less than 24 hours for 98% of all orders.
  • -Our stock of 900,000 filters and more than 60,000 available references, one of the biggest in Europe, guarantees the supply and allows customers to have their "safety stock".
  • -Special custom filters, for specific needs, through our special production service which makes it possible to develop the specific filter.

Great filters solutions for your activity sector

Air treatment


Aldair Industrial Filtration: focusing on air

We keep on innovating with Aldair Industrial Filtration, in order to offer interesting options in ari filtration, from prefiltration to absolute filters, dust collection, or compressors and compressed air systems.

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