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Solucions de filtración para tu maquinaria ferroviaria y auxiliar

Service and choice = Cartés solutions

From filters for train cabs to urea filters.

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Every filter you could possibly need for professional and commercial transportation.

Filtración para servicios de transporte ferroviario

Railway transport requires a great diversity of filtration elements. Not only the usual air filters, oil and fuel, but also for air conditioning blanket filtering and conditioning coaches, compressor and filter compressed air line for pneumatic systems hydraulic opening and closing of doors, braking system, vent, etc.

The safety and filtration efficiency are core and from Cartés have a stock level, product range and logistics availability can meet the needs of companies who need to optimize maintenance costs and reduced downtime.

Leading brands MANN-FILTER, WIX, STEP FILTERS MAHLE, FLEETGUARD, FITTING, ALDAIR, STEP INDUSTRIAL FILTERS, HYDAC, RMF or MANN-HUMMEL, among others, meet all the needs of these equipments.

Our objective is to provide the service of a one-stop filtration supplier, developing a supply schedule planned according to your filtration needs, so that you can maintain optimal stock levels to allow you to minimise storage costs.

Soluciones para el suministro industrialOur objective: To become your supplier of filtration

What Cartés does for your transport machinery?

  • -Analysis, correction and improvement, monitoring and control of the quality of hydraulic oils and lubricating oils through the Comprehensive Maintenance Programme,which gives you real-time information about the level of dirt, water content, condition of the oil and the dielectric constant.
  • -We offer a machinery identification and monitoring service, as well as payment unification to facilitate administration and management.
  • -We work with the leading filtration brands, installed in original equipment.
  • -As we work with over 100 brands and high stock levels, we provide a better service than each individual manufacturer and with the highest quality (UNE-EN ISO 9001:2008 certification).
  • -Our stock of 900,000 filters and more than 60,000 available references, one of the biggest in Europe, guarantees the supply and allows customers to have their "safety stock".
  • -Our logistics service guarantees delivery in less than 24 hours for 98% of all orders.
  • -Special custom filters, for specific needs, through our special production service which makes it possible to develop the specific filter element that is required.

Great filters solutions for your activity sector

Mobile filtration units

Mobile filtration units

Mobile filtration units

HMU20 and HMU40, from the hydraulic and diesel filtration range for containers, tanks and drums, removes solid particles and water, that are really dangerous for system as a cause of corrosion and cavitation.

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