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Solucions de filtración para procesos de tratamiento de superficies y materiales

Eliminates contaminants with Step Process Filtration

From dust collectors for shot peening and shot blasting booths to cyclone filters.

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Every filter you could possibly need for industrial maintenance and large facilities.

Filtración en procesos de tratamiento de materiales y superficies

The final stage of treating surfaces is often the polishing or painting of the piece, so large quantities of airborne particles are generated in the booth, which often have to be reused.

The most widely-used systems in this industry, such as Spraymaq etc. require a range of filtration products and brands such as ALDAIR INDUSTRIAL FILTRATION, ULTRAFILTER, VILEDON and VOKES, among others, which meet the most demanding requirements.

A highly filtration quality can only be guaranteed by leading brands, stock thereof, customized service before and after serving filters and continuous consulting service on improving the efficiency of the systems. So we invite you to ask us any questions or discuss any problems you might have regarding filtration.

We will assist you by jointly developing a programme that best suits your needs, planning your supplies, to maintain safety stock, with the added guarantee of the stock in our warehouses which will enable you to reduce your costs for premises.

Our objective is to provide products that enable you to achieve a quality of painting that is totally free of imperfections, while increasing the efficiency of the process and protecting the environment after it is completed.

Filtración en procesos de tratamiento de materiales y superficiesOur objective: Filters that ensure a free painted imperfections.

What Cartés does for improving your filtration into your surface treatment?

At Cartés we provide our customers in the paint booths industry with customised solutions in the areas where they are needed:

  • -Dust collectors for sand blasting and shot blasting booths, used to polish metal parts.
  • -Dust collection filters for paint booths.
  • -Filters for compressed air lines (housings and filter elements).
  • -Cyclone and HEPA filters for the filtration of thicker parts through mechanical separation and subsequent absolute filtration of the finer parts.
  • -Special custom filters, for specific needs, through our special production service which makes it possible to develop the specific filter element that is required.

Our engineers perform an in-depth study of our customers' activities, processes and requirements and gives them advice on how to optimise them, reduce energy and maintenance costs, avoid unnecessary downtime and minimise faults.

Process Filtration

Casos de éxito

New brand, more service

Discover our range, Step Process Filtration, for food business companies, pharmaceutical, quemical, petroquemical, cosmetic, or water treatment industries, among others.

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