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Filtros para aerogeneradores

Helping you to manage your maintenance

Scheduled shipments that make managing wind farms easier.

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Every filter you could possibly need to guarantee optimal energy production and supply.

Filtros para aerogeneradores

Wind power presents many technical challenges for components. They are often in very remote places and tens of metres apart, so reliability is critical. The components need to be compact and light, but must also offer an exceptional service life in the most demanding of operating environments. Among the most critical components, the gearbox has to operate under extreme pressure and operating conditions.

The most widely-used machines and equipment in this industry, such as Gamesa, Vestas, Made, General Electric, Siemens,Neg Micon, Alstom, Acciona, Ecotecnica, Enercon, Mitsubishi, Mtorres, Repower, Nordex, Suzlon, Norwin, Tacke, Turbowinds, Südwind, RRB Energy, Nordtank,Wincon, Wind Energy,Jacobs, Kenetech, Lagerway Wind, Furhländer, etc. require an outstanding range of products, brands and services, such as: MAHLE, HYDAC, PALL, CJ JENSEN, RMF, STEP INDUSTRIAL FILTERS and ALDAIR INDUSTRIAL FILTRATION.

The key components of the gearbox, its bearings and gears, have to be protected by a lubricating fluid that is free of particles and water. You can only prolong their service life with the best filtration.

High quality filtration can only be guaranteed by the top brands, their availability in stock, a personalised service before and after supplying the filters and continuous advice on how to improve system efficiency.
We will assist you by jointly developing a programme that best suits your needs, planning your supplies, to maintain safety stock, with the added guarantee of the stock in our warehouses which will enable you to reduce your costs for premises.

Our objective is to ensure the reliability of hydraulic systems, extend the intervals between complex and costly maintenance and reduce operating costs.

Soluciones para el suministro industrialOur objective: To become your supplier of filtration

What Cartés does for your wind farm maintenance?

  • -Filters for hydraulic systems and lubrication systems.
  • -Analysis, correction and improvement, monitoring and control of the quality of hydraulic oils and lubricating oils through the Comprehensive Maintenance Programme which gives you real-time information about the level of dirt, water content, condition of the oil and the dielectric constant.
  • -Breather filters with desiccant material for the air inlet to the hydraulic tank, such as the KL model by RMF, especially critical in humid areas.
  • -Post-manufacture offline filling and cleaning systems to ensure that the purity of the oil is maintained during testing, the trial phase and also when in service, as the main gears are subjected to significant stresses in the form of torque and vibrations. Fitting these systems eliminates the products of oil ageing, particles and water, prolongs the useful life of the system's filters and components and increases the availability of machines, extending the intervals between oil changes.
  • -Online water sensors. To detect the ppm or percentage in real time.
  • -Metal particle sensors.
  • -Air pre-filters for the protection of distribution boards.
  • -Special custom filters, for specific needs, through our special production service which makes it possible to develop the specific filter element that is required.

Our engineers perform an in-depth study of our customers' activities, processes and requirements and gives them advice on how to optimise them, reduce energy and maintenance costs, avoid unnecessary downtime and minimise faults.

Great filters solutions for your activity sector

Hydraulic and Lube Oil Comprehensive Maintenance Programme

Casos de éxito

Hydraulic and Lube Oil Comprehensive Maintenance Programme

Minimize breakdown in critical machines, costs, and optimize systems efficiency and productivity, thanks to a proper functioning of the hydraulic systems.

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