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Hengst filter

Hengst filter range for the maritime industry

From filters for small boats to large fleets for marine applications.

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Filtros y servicio al sector naval

Filters and services for the naval industry

Service specialised in naval applications, fishing boats and pleasure crafts.

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Soluciones para profesionales del mantenimiento nautico

One maintenance. One filter

A technical team which specialises in offering the best range of filters for ship maintenance.

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From filters for small boats to large fleets.

Filtration has a direct impact on safety and efficiency in pleasure crafts, fishing boats, small and large boats and large fleets and ships.

Large marine engines are adapted cogeneration engines and, as they operate as completely separate units, many of these vessels need all kinds of filters: air, oil, fuel, filter mats for climate control and air conditioning, compressed air filters and oil separators (air and oil separators) for the nitrogen generators and compressors, hydraulic filters for tail rudders and lifts, water filters for water purification and water-fuel separators etc.

At Cartés we sell a full range and hold a large volume of stock of the leading brands (original equipment manufacturers) such as MANN-HUMMEL, MAHLE, FLEETGUARD, MP FILTRI, SEPAR FILTER, RACOR, STEP INDUSTRIAL FILTERS, HENGST FILTER, ALDAIR, VOKES, WIX, HYDAC, INTERNORMEN o EPE, among others, ensuring supply to a market that demands high quality and a high level of service with full guarantee of supply.

We have filters in high Quality for demanding equipment such as Cummins, Wärtsilä, Guascor, ABC, Rolls-Royce, MTU, Caterpillar, MacGregor, MAN, Reintjes, BMW, Volvo Penta, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, etc.

Gama completa de filtros para embarcaciones
Mobile filtration units

Mobile filtration units

HMU20 and HMU40, from the hydraulic and diesel filtration range for containers, tanks and drums, removes solid particles and water, that are really dangerous for system as a cause of corrosion and cavitation.

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