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Solucions de filtración para grandes superficies e instalaciones

Maintaining high-quality environments

From filters for the ventilation of equipment to filters for generator sets.

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Every filter you could possibly need for industrial maintenance and large facilities.

Filtración para grandes instalaciones

The major technological advances in recent years in the facilities of large retail outlets, with increasingly sophisticated systems and expensive equipment, has created the need for a supplier who helps to optimise the maintenance of air conditioning and ventilation systems, auxiliary machinery (generator sets) and cooling systems.

A highly filtration quality can only be guaranteed by leading brands, customized service by our engenieering staff and stock in leading brands STEP INDUSTRIAL FILTERS, MANN-FILTER, WIX, VILEDON o ALDAIR INDUSTRIAL FILTRATION.

Climate control and ventilation maintenance systems are the most expensive equipment and they must be carefully monitored as they are responsible for comfort in the retail outlet and must always be in an optimal condition. So continuous maintenance is required.

At Cartés offer technical consultancy to guarantee a prevent maintenance as well as the use of filters with high energy efficiencies to reduce these energy costs.

Soluciones para el suministro industrialOur objective: To become your supplier of filtration solutions.

What Cartés does for your buildings ?

  • -900,000 filters in stock from the leading filtration brands, allowing you to cover most of your needs in the shortest time possible.
  • -Large variety of filter mats, in rolls or cut, pre-filters with cardboard and metal frames, bag filters and compact filters.
  • -Air filters, oil and fuel for generators.
  • -Our logistics service guarantees delivery in less than 24 hours for 98% of all orders.
  • -Special custom filters, for specific needs, through our special production service which makes it possible to develop the specific filter element that is required.

Our engineers perform an in-depth study of our customers' activities, processes and requirements and gives them advice on how to optimise them, reduce energy and maintenance costs, avoid unnecessary downtime and minimise faults.

Great filters solutions for your activity sector

Air treatment

Casos de éxito

Aldair Industrial Filtration: focusing on air

We keep on innovating with Aldair Industrial Filtration, in order to offer interesting options in ari filtration, from prefiltration to absolute filters, dust collection, or compressors and compressed air systems.

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